Clinical Trials – Information About Them and How To Participate
What are Clinical Trials?
Clinical trials also called medical trials refer to trials or tests on humans for medical research. There are many types of trials or experiments which scientists produce to try and learn more about the human body. Some trials can be something as simple as sleep studies and observing how people sleep or how they cope with lack of sleep, other trials involve administering the participant with a small dose of a certain test drug to see how the body absorbs it and what the reaction is.
What Happens in a Typical Trial?
A typical clinical trial will consist of first going for a screening visit where usually a blood test will be taken to ensure you have or normal levels. A simple physical check-up may also be performed. Then if successful you will be required to submit yourself into the clinic for the duration of the study. Studies can last from a few days to 2 even 3 weeks. Some studies will require you to be confined to the clinic for the duration of the study and others are a few days in with some outpatient visits; this all depends on the study. Once you have completed your study you will be allowed to leave and if a paid trial will be paid accordingly. Obviously trial procedures may vary from clinic to clinic.
Do Clinics Have Any Enjoyable Facilities?
The clinic will often have some nice facilities to help you enjoy your stay and relax whilst tests are not being performed; kitchen facilities, pool tables, games consoles, Wi-Fi, reading areas are just some of the facilities clinics will have. Due to participants being in controlled conditions sometimes you will be confined to the clinic’s wards only, other clinics will allow you to go outside or take you on a small trip somewhere to keep things from getting too boring.
Are Trials Safe?
There is always a risk with clinical trials but these risks are often minimal; they have to be or the trial will not be signed off by the various governing bodies ensuring these clinics maintain a safe, controlled environment. Most drug trials administer minute amounts which is just enough to monitor how the body copes with it but nowhere near enough to actually cause harm.
How Much Money Can I Make From a Trial?
This all varies on the length of the study; it can range from $50-$150 for 2-3 day studies, to $750-$1,000 for a week or 14 day study, right up to $3,000+ for studies around 3 weeks. Screening visits to see whether or not you qualify for a trial are often paid to at around $50-$80. As well as this travel expenses are often also reimbursed to you.
How Many Trials Can I Participate in?
Usually you will not be able to do trial after trial as clinics need to make sure you have no traces of drugs from other trials in your system which could affect new trial results. Clinics may ask you to wait up to 6 months before taking part in a new trial. Again clinics will differ and some may let you take part in a trial sooner but one after the other is usually not an option.
If I Have Certain Medical Conditions Can I Still Take Part in a Trial?
Some clinical trials will require individuals who only have certain medical conditions to enrol; asthma sufferers, smokers, people with certain types of diabetes. Some trials will only ask for individuals between certain ages; between 45-60 years for example.
What Kinds of People Participate in Trials?
Many people take part in clinical trials as it can be a great way to earn some good money with the additional benefit of helping medical research. For those who work full time it can be difficult unless they are performed during holiday days. Clinical trials are enrolled by part time workers, students, those in between work, even retired individuals.
How do I Find out What Trials Are on Offer?
Most clinics will advertise what trials are on offer over a 3 to 6 month period so you can see if there are any that are suitable for you and give you enough time to ensure you will be available and to make any necessary travel arrangements.
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Clinical Trial
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